Laboratory software for the environment

When it comes to environmental protection, not only the efficiency of the strategies used but also the timeliness of the measures to be initiated play a significant role. The example of water monitoring with ENMO®hydro shows why environmental monitoring is always a special and yet solvable challenge.


Guiding concepts: continuity and automation

As a rule, sample analyses in the laboratory involve screening for certain predefined substances. In order to determine the causes of water pollution in time and to initiate the necessary measures, it is necessary to have the comparative values after the pollutant discharge. A higher density of data, which is only achieved by the continuous measuring process, enables the determination of trends with respect to different parameters.


This is where ENMO®hydro comes in, by working with immission-oriented alarm thresholds. In the event of a pollutant immission, e.g. at a mobile sampling point, the program immediately informs the responsible employees or even authorities about the detected limit value violations thanks to the automated notification system.

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