
Here you can find out which versions of our products or versions of operating systems and databases can no longer be supported by us and from what point in time

Termination from 16.12.2021

#017 Discontinued reporting tools

End of support 31.12.2021 for HTML viewer

Supportende 31.12.2021 für Crystal Reports

Announcement from 11.10.2018

#014 Discontinued VALIDAT versions

End of support 31.12.2018 for versions prior to VALIDAT 5.59p1 (i.e. VALIDAT 2004, 2006, 2007)
End of support 31.12.2019 for VALIDAT 5.59p1 (incl. all hotfixes)
End of support 31.12.2020 for VALIDAT 5.59p2 (incl. all hotfixes)


#015 Discontinued databases

End of support 12/31/2019 for Oracle 10g
End of support 12/31/2019 for MS SQL 2008


#016 Discontinued operating systems

End of support 12/31/2018 for Windows prior to version 7 (i.e. Windows XP, Windows Vista)
End of support 12/31/2018 for Windows Server prior to version 2008R2 (i.e. 2003, 2008)

Announcement from 25.09.2017

#013 ORACLE DB <= 10
Für diese genannte Version läuft der reguläre Support am 31.12.2018 aus.

Announcement from 12.09.2016

#011 LABS/Q Version <= 3.6
Für diese genannte Version läuft der reguläre Support am 31.12.2016 aus.