The German Electronic Reporting and Information System for Infection Protection (DEMIS) is a reporting system of the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases according to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).
In the light of the Covid 19 crisis, the further development of this system gained particular importance. Above all - starting with the reporters (including laboratories and physicians) - a continuous electronic information processing is made possible. This should reduce the workload for the reporters and the responsible authorities, and in the future, information on emerging infectious diseases will be available more quickly to those responsible in the health offices, the responsible state authorities and at the RKI.
bsDEMIS is the GUS LAB DEMIS interface that maps the complete DEMIS reporting structure. Currently, the transfer of LIMS data to the DEMIS adapter developed by gematik GmbH is supported. The data of the positive Covid 19 examinations are transferred from the LIMS LABbase® to bsDEMIS, processed there and transferred to the DEMIS adapter, which then automatically forwards the data to the RKI.
Since the beginning of 2022, it has been possible to transmit the data in FHIR format. This means that laboratories are then free to choose the way in which the files are reported to the RKI. With the integrated bsDEMIS interface, LABbase® is well equipped to support the fight against the Corona pandemic.