FAQ's about ENMOhydro
Why is continuous water monitoring important?
According to the EEA report "Healthy environment, healthy lives: how the environment influences health and well-beingin Europe", a significant proportion of cases of disease in Europe are caused by human activity.
According to the European Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), the EU's water bodies are to have a good ecological and chemical status by 2027 at the latest. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) does not explicitly provide for automatically operating measuring networks in water monitoring, but requires all necessary measures to prevent pollutant releases, also with the help of early warning systems.
What is continuous water monitoring and what should it enable?
"We've been doing it forever."
Maybe so. But how?
"Continuous" means 24/7. Uninterrupted monitoring of water quality is hardly imaginable without the help of automation. Therefore, the use of a system that takes over this task for you is definitely recommended.
In addition to the automatic recording of measured values from measuring stations, the continuous monitoring of water quality also enables efficient data evaluation, which shows short- and long-term changes in water quality in the best possible way. In this way, potential hazards can be identified in good time and automatically reported to the user, enabling him to react promptly.
Essential for meeting environmental goals: Long-term developments can be monitored, trends identified, and the extent and impact of pollution and change determined.
The entire measurement process is logged and documented so that the necessary measures (as well as their success control) can be planned in time and efficiently.
How does an automated water monitoring system work?
"'Automatic' sounds nice; but how does a computer system know exactly what we want?"
There is no "magic solution" that will please everyone. However, an efficient water monitoring system follows a basic logic that enables the mapping of different environmental monitoring workflows. In the master data of the system, you as the user define what is to be measured (parameters/test characteristics) and how this is to be done (test methods), so that different measurement programs can then be formulated.
Example: The following parameters belong to the so-called basic measuring program of ENMO®hydro:
- Oxygen content
- Water temperature
- pH value
- electrical conductivity
- Turbidity.
Examples of the extended measurement program would be:
- UV absorption measurement (SAK 254nm)
- Algae oximeter
- Daphnia Toximeter
- Oil detectors
- Nutrient Analyzers
How is ENMO®hydro structured?
The software system consists of 3 components:
- ENMO® Site (connected measuring stations)
- ENMO® Server
- ENMO® Client
ENMO®hydro continuously collects the measured values as well as status and fault messages of the connected measuring systems. Collected data records are temporarily stored in the measuring stations and then transmitted to the ENMO® server.
The 'automaticity' and the continuity of the system require, among other things, the possibility of connecting various devices, sensors and other measuring systems via the corresponding interfaces. Any devices can be connected to ENMO®hydro.
In addition, the system seamlessly maps all workflows for the work in the measurement network, evaluates the data, exports it and displays it as desired. If necessary, it triggers automatic actions: Particularly exposed monitoring stations can be equipped with an early warning system that can detect toxic water constituents. If one of the water samples proves to be conspicuous, ENMO®hydro automatically triggers the event sample to be transferred for detailed laboratory analysis.
What does multi-tier architecture mean?
Multi-layer architecture is a frequently used structuring principle for the architecture of software systems. Individual aspects of the software system are conceptually assigned to a tier or layer. The permitted dependency relationships between the aspects are restricted in a layered architecture in that aspects of a "higher" layer may only use those of "lower" layers (in accordance with the so-called dependency inversion principle).
A layered architecture reduces the complexity of dependencies within the system and makes it easier to understand the system. ENMO®hydro consists of the following three layers:
- Presentation layer(client tier) - This is responsible, among other things, for the representation of data and user input.
- Logic layer(application-server tier) - This layer contains all processing mechanisms.
- Data-server tier- This contains the database and is responsible for storing and loading data.
Due to the concept of multi-tier architecture, the application server and database can be on the same device, but are separate entities.
Is ENMO®hydro only designed for large measuring networks, or can it also be used to monitor individual measuring points or parameters, for example?
Both individual points can be monitored and complex measurement networks can be set up. The possibilities of ENMO®hydro go far beyond the mere collection and storage of measurement data. ENMO®hydro combines measuring device/station monitoring and management, data acquisition, data evaluation, data display, data export, quality assurance, maintenance functionalities as well as a notification and alarm system in one system.
Who are potential users/operators of a water monitoring system?
- Federal government / states / municipalities
- Water supply company
- Companies responsible for monitoring groundwater, flowing water, dams and lakes, and industrial water.
- Wastewater (wastewater treatment plants, hospitals, universities) (often hospitals and universities have small pretreatment plants).
Can ENMO®hydro also be operated via an Internet browser?
As a client application (Microsoft), ENMO®hydro can be accessed via the Internet from anywhere in the world, but it is not browser-enabled.
However, data can be accessed via web application (in the browser or via app).
Example: With the help of Hamburg's water data app, you can check the water quality of Hamburg's rivers using your smartphone. The data from the nine automatic measuring stations on the Alster, Elbe and Bille are continuously supplied as graphics and the current values as lists.
Can ENMO®hydro also be used in other areas (air, soil, sludge)?
Yes. The principle is similar and the workflows can be adapted to the specific requirements. Devices of all types can be connected to ENMO®hydro, so there are almost no restrictions here either.
Is there any support?
As sophisticated as an automated water monitoring system may be - it is hardly feasible without human input. Of essential importance for you as a user is a professional support, which is guaranteed by our competent technical staff.
How was ENMO®hydro created?
From idea to solution through collaboration:
ENMO®hydro came from a combination of the innovative spirit of Blomesystem GmbH and the many years of expertise of the Institute for Hygiene and Environment Hamburg, an institution of the Authority for Environment, Climate, Energy and Agricultural Economics. The expertise on both sides and the willingness to engage in a pioneering way in the development of a unique solution brought ENMO®hydro to light.
Is it possible to make changes or add components and stations in the monitoring network without external help?
Authorized persons can add or change components and stations as part of master data maintenance. Your system can thus be adapted to the current situation at any time. The site configurator supports this work in a convenient way.
How are process routines programmed in the measuring network operation?
In ENMO® there are different flow routines:
- After the data from the measuring stations have been collected by the ENMO®Site software, they are aggregated to 10-minute averages (variably adjustable) and transferred to the database.
- After the transfer to the ENMO® server, the 10 minute average values are imported into the raw database of the ENMO® server. This process is automatically executed on the server in 10 minute intervals.
- The new data is then automatically transferred to the finished database.
- If limit values are violated and this triggers system actions, such as sending notifications, etc., these are detected here and the corresponding messages are sent.
What happens if the Internet connection is lost?
ENMO®Site stores the data locally (on the respective site computer) and sends the data when a new connection is established. As soon as the ENMO®Server has confirmed the receipt of the data to ENMO®Site, they are deleted from the site.
How/where are the actions to be triggered determined?
The actions that trigger notifications are defined in the master data under System events. These system events are linked to the notification system.
Here you can also define which recipients receive which notifications. Messages can be sent to individuals or entire user groups.
Is there a device management?
In ENMO®hydro there is a test equipment management, in which primarily measuring devices and sensors are managed. A link to maintenance templates enables a modern workflow.
The general maintenance procedure is defined in a maintenance template. Initially, this is an abstract description of a maintenance process without concrete reference to a device. Such a maintenance template can be referenced to several maintenance plans for specific devices. A maintenance template contains task definitions and rules which control the process flow of a described maintenance.
Who should procure the hardware - client or contractor?
In principle, both variants are possible.
However, we recommend procurement by the client. This is common standard hardware.
Can wastewater also be monitored?
Under the current pandemic topic, the examination of wastewater both directly at the emitters of the institutions (hospitals, university hospitals) and at the dischargers at wastewater treatment plants is increasingly coming into focus.