Laboratory Software Chemistry & Petrochemistry
Without the chemical industry, human life as we know it would be unthinkable. As a link between nature and man - between raw material and end user - it represents an important part of the work processes for many other industries, such as food or automotive. In addition, more and more companies are focusing on environmentally conscious manufacturing and processing methods, including the use of renewable energy sources and renewable raw materials. In order to be able to guarantee the quality of products and services in the long term, companies must always ensure continuous control of work processes and materials used during production. An efficient LIMS adapted to your needs is at your side here.
Portfolios of our chemical customers include manufacturing of various chemical products, metal production and recycling, energy supply, environmental services (e.g. recycling or recovery and processing of chemically contaminated waste), safety services (e.g. fire protection), etc.
Production in the chemical industry
The information flow required in the petrochemical industry from production to quality control and vice versa is covered by the LABS/Q® LIMS laboratory software. Production orders can be imported via interfaces, e.g. to ERP systems, which automatically create the sample point-specific and operation-specific in-process control test orders and the release test order according to the rules defined in the master data. Packaging and the creation of customer-specific certificates on delivery are also supported. The results and usage decisions can be transferred to the ERP system or viewed in the LABS/Q® LIMS petrochemical laboratory software by the production plant.
Research and development in the chemical industry
Your requirements for a petrochemical / chemical laboratory software
In the chemical industry, in addition to the synthesis of new chemical substances, especially their production and quality are continuously monitored and improved. The aim is to reduce manufacturing costs. The costs of the input materials but also the manufacturing process as well as the environmental protection play a major role.
Our laboratory software for your requirements
The products in our diverse range can help you with your tasks, as well as save you time and money. Are you looking for the right software for your laboratory? Contact us, we will be happy to advise and support you in finding the optimal solution for your specific issues.
Our software solutions at a glance
The following shows the tasks in the field of chemistry / petrochemistry for which the offered laboratory software can support you and thus save you time and money:
- Testing of research and development samples(LABS/Q LIMS)
- Method validation(VALIDAT)
- Optimization of the scale-up process for the production plant
Chemistry Lab Software: Quality Control
Our products for quality control and quality assurance
Any product is only as good as the quality of its manufacture and testing. Every company is under the scrutiny of its customers and commercial success depends on the flexibility of the company to respond to customer requirements but also depends on manufacturing costs. In manufacturing (co-production, batch production), fast and safe processes are expected in the laboratory, which are among the most important factors for the success of any company. The tasks of the quality control / quality assurance accompany the process of manufacturing from incoming goods to production-accompanying tests as well as filling and storage up to delivery and deviation management.
Our laboratory software products can assist you with your chemical quality control and quality assurance tasks, saving you time and money. The following shows which software can assist you with your requirements:
- Management of specifications, test plans, methods(LABS/Q LIMS)
- Test order processing / deviation management / stabilities(LABS/Q LIMS)
- Internal quality control of the laboratory(LABS/Q LIMS)
- Graphical and statistical evaluations, reports(LABS/Q LIMS)
- Method Transfer and Interlaboratory Testing(VALIDAT)
- Re-validation of revised methods(VALIDAT).
Environmental monitoring in the chemical industry
Support by our laboratory software
In the chemical industry, continuous monitoring of the environment (e.g. waste water, immission, emission, etc.) during production is indispensable. In accordance with legal and licensing requirements, test orders can be generated, processed and evaluated both manually and automatically for a wide variety of measuring points and samples (e.g. random sample, 2-hour composite sample, etc.). In connection with DCS data, the corresponding loads can also be calculated and reports can be generated for authorities.
With our environmental monitoring laboratory software LABS/Q® LIMS you get a LIMS software that has its own module for hygiene and environmental monitoring. With it, production-accompanying and scheduled tests at 1 to n sample points can be triggered automatically by so-called project orders. A group report function in connection with LABSGraphic enables a comfortable graphical as well as statistical evaluation of the data.
Further information
GUS LAB GmbH (LABbase, LABS/Q) auf der LAB SUPPLY in Innsbruck
Ein guter Plan ist gut – Handeln ist besser! LABbase und LABS/Q auf der Labormesse Am frisch eingeweihten Standort Innsbruck hatten wir die einmalige Gelegenheit,
Neuerungen, Updates und Erweiterungen – das haben wir für Sie gemacht (VALIDAT)
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GUS LAB User Forum on September 17 and 18, 2024
Our first user meeting as GUS LAB GMbH will take place on September 17 and 18, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.
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